четверг, 4 декабря 2014 г.

Fight cellulite with the help of traditional medicine.

Нетрадиционная медицина против целлюлита.

Many generations of people, despite the active development of medicine and cosmetology, use various folk remedies, which for many years had saved humanity. They save you from most of the ills and problems. Folk wisdom effective in the fight against cellulite. The methods described below will help in the home to deal with “orange peel”.

A douche.

This shower improves circulation and thanks to contrasting effects on the skin starts the process of cell renewal, stimulates the metabolism and thus helps to get rid of cellulite.

Bath and sauna.

Sweating is very useful. And in the fight against cellulite. After all, in the bath activates the metabolism and removal of residues. To support troubled places in tone, choose a medium pairs, and not hard birch broom. Thus you will not allow fat cells to stagnate.

Rubbing sea salt.

Cellulite is very afraid of this popular method. It is effective, but the result will not be visible immediately. Be patient and you will reach that goal. In addition, the effect depends on the stage of cellulite. It is obvious that “orange peel” at the initial stage is eliminated much faster than the last. Grind sea salt better entire body.

Anti-cellulite massage.

This is the most basic popular method for treating cellulite. It removes toxins from the skin and increases circulation. As a result, the body becomes supple and velvety, and seals are smoothed. However, together with the advantages you should not forget about such disadvantages as bruising and soreness. But the beauty of your body is worth it! To make anti-cellulite massage at home, just use honey. Apply it on the palm of your hands and firmly press them to problem areas. Then abruptly tear off hands. Your movements should be similar to prihlopyvanie. With each application of the palms to the body tightly press down arms and increase the strength of adhesion”.

After you complete the procedure, wash the honey from the skin and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. The treatment lasts for 10 days. Procedure spend 1 time in 2 days. You can be assured that after a trial massage the result will be visible. The skin becomes soft and smooth.

Also you can prepare anti-cellulite massage oil. To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • geranium essential oil – 8 drops;

  • almond oil – 1 tsp.;

  • grapefruit oil – 10 drops;

  • nutmeg oil – 5 drops;

  • oil of bergamot 10 drops;

  • cinnamon oil 3 drops.

All the components mix in a glass bottle. First, add in a bowl of oil, which are required in smaller proportions, and so incrementally add the remaining ingredients.

Ready means apply on problem areas once a day, rubbing it in a circular motion to achieve complete absorption. If you are going to use a massage roller, the effect will be more noticeable. The only disadvantage is the mixture cannot be stored after preparation. So try to use the tool for 1 times.

Clay mask.

Take healing clay (preferably blue), razmazite it to the state of doughy mass, lie down and apply on skin. This procedure is best done in the dry bathtub. Wait for the clay to dry, and in a warm bath to wash it off. Problem areas can further massage the rough brush. Mask with clay is simple and effective.

The infusion.

It is known that cellulite you need to drink plenty of water. But if you regularly eat more and infusion of birch leaves, it will flush the toxins from the body more efficiently.

Oil bath.

Mix orange and olive oil in equal proportions and pour the resulting mixture into a warm bath. In the process of washing, you can feel a light tingling sensation on the skin. Do not be afraid. This is proof that the procedure is effective, and the treatment of cellulite is going in the right direction.

Apple polishing.

This tool is especially suitable for those who are suffering not only for cellulite, but also the “stars” on the legs. For the past 2 weeks, every day after a shower Naturita feet with the help of Apple cider vinegar. Don’t worry, the procedure does not cause irritation.

Herbal slimming medicine.

You will need two tablespoons of chopped parsley, filled with boiling water. Let the herbs is brewed for a couple of minutes. Then strain it and drink ready infusion for 2 weeks. So you get rid from cellulite, and cystitis.

Scrub of oatmeal.

As part oatmeal presence of organic acids, valuable micronutrients and beneficial vitamins. It makes the skin elastic and fresh look. To prepare the scrub, take a tablespoon of oat and corn flakes, 2 tbsp sugar and 3 tbsp olive or sunflower oil. The mixture RUB the area affected by cellulite, for two minutes. Then wash the product with water.

This scrub can be done with one oatmeal. To do this, grind it in a coffee grinder, pour water or milk. Ready-mixed massage into the skin for 2 minutes.

The olive oil.

In the morning, take one teaspoon of olive oil. Only do it on an empty stomach. Guests can enjoy their Breakfast in 20 minutes after taking the oil. So you normalize your metabolism and fat deposition will gradually dissolve.

Anti-cellulite wrap.

Cellulite is a very very good coffee, honey wrap. There is only one contraindication – this tool cannot be used in areas where you have varicose veins. If such problems you have, feel free to start making coffee and honey mixture. Cook 2 tablespoons of coffee and let it infuse. Then press coffee grounds, mix it with honey (two tablespoons). The mixture is applied to problem areas in a circular motion. After fully processing the surface of the skin wrap with cling film. Now can rest in the supine position for half an hour. Then rinse the tool with boiled water. After the procedure it is advisable not to wash under running water for 3 hours.

If you notice that after anti-cellulite wraps your skin slightly darkened, don’t worry. It’s just the result of direct skin contact with the coffee, which may give a hint. But after washing, this caveat will be removed.

We hope that our article you found to be effective people’s way of dealing with cellulite. And remember: no matter what recipe you choose, watch your lifestyle – eat right, move more and then you just get over the “orange peel”.

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