вторник, 23 декабря 2014 г.

Homemade scrubs from stretch marks (striae).

Рецепты смесей для скрабов.

The smooth skin of his stomach distorting whitish stripes stretch marks? Many young mothers after childbirth faced with this unpleasant problem. What to do if the skin is damaged and deformed when our body that increases in volume, and then abruptly lose weight? Unfortunately, even preventive methods do not guarantee the absence of striae (stretch marks). However, if desired, each woman is able to restore the beauty and smoothness of the skin, is only to show perseverance and patience. Use this wonderful traditional recipes.

What will help us scrubs?

Striae are fragments colorless connective tissue, which replaced the cells damaged by microtraumas. These bands of connective tissue that lie close to the surface of the skin. Strips of stretch marks can be removed along with dead cells of the skin. The active process of dying and the removal of defective cells can be stimulated. For such purposes are highly suited scrubs, i.e. the compositions containing abrasive particles.

Scrubs require regular use. For our purposes, when you want to remove from the surface of the skin significant defects, to the cleansing composition of the mixture are special requirements.

1) Scrub should be removed from the surface layer of all dead and dead cells. To do this, its composition should include substance removing the cells by mechanical or chemical means.

2) Scrub must treat skin, not to cause any damage, alleviate irritation. With this purpose in part introduces a smoothing element, for example, oil.

3) After processing strain plots cleansing compositions, their surface is always applied excellent nourishing cream or a special mask.

About home scrubs.

At home you can create an extremely effective scrubs. To do this, in our kitchens, pantries, and in the first aid kit will be wonderful components, superior in quality and activity steps cosmetic counterparts. Scrubs can be created on the basis of oatmeal, finely ground coffee, clay powder, sea or table salt.

Apply fresh scrubs recommended during the evening or morning hygienic procedures. Skin treatment is covered streami, takes about 12 – 15 minutes, and organically included in the complex daily care of female beauty. This procedure can be complete relaxation in the evening the bath or shower.

The composition is prepared anew each time, because long-term storage of homemade scrubs leads to negative changes in their properties. For your own shop, you can spend a few minutes preparing fresh composition.

Recipes efficient scrubs against stretch marks.

The coffee.

For him to use finely ground coffee. Grains which have not been heat treated fairly solid, and therefore are not suitable for each skin. For women with thin, delicate skin, it is recommended to create a scrub to take the second brew coffee, then there are the usual coffee grounds after enjoying a flavorful beverage. Two tablespoons of coffee mix in a separate container with two spoons village fat sour cream. A lot to put on a heated after shower skin covered striae. After three or five minutes start to do circular massage movements. Graded mass gently RUB into the skin, preventing traumatic pressure. After 15 minutes of massage on skin sent a strong jet shower and rinse-off mass.

The salt.

Half a glass of oceanic salts medium-sized grinding to connect with the same amount of fat sour cream. To impart a pleasant fragrance to be added to the mass of two drops of orange, peppermint or lavender oil. Handle the skin in such a composition should be particularly carefully, because the salt crystals can scratch.


We need a Cup of brown sugar with large crystals. This can be cane sugar. Mix it in a bowl with half a Cup of coconut or palm oil. Apply it immediately to the sugar had dissolved. This scrub has a mild effect, and can be used through the day.


For its preparation it is better to find a dark-colored honey viscous consistency. Half Cup of honey together with a half Cup of oceanic salt. Allow to stand for ten minutes, and then use it to exfoliate the skin affected by stretch marks.


Atmaram Cup of oatmeal, for example, Hercules. Put them in a metal bowl and lightly grind with a pestle. Add to cereal spoon of honey and half a Cup of almond or peach oil. If this oil is not found, take olive or mustard, in the extreme case, unrefined sunflower. Stir and use as a scrub. So soft composition can be used for cleansing, not only in the stomach, but also on the chest.

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