среда, 10 декабря 2014 г.

How to determine the sex of the unborn child?

Методики определения пола будущего малыша

Often young parents dream about the birth of a child of a particular sex – although, of course, the most important thing is health, and no matter girl or boy. And yet there are a number of special methods that allow to determine in advance the sex of the baby, and even pinpoint the date of conception, the baby was exactly the desired gender.

But first let us examine more closely the process of fertilization of the ovum.

What determines the sex of the baby?

The sperm with the female X chromosome, have a slightly lower speed, which gives a certain advantage to the sperm with the Y chromosome. But here nature has balanced the chances of both types of sperm: the acidic environment of the vagina quickly destroys the Y-sperm and sperm with the X chromosome have the ability to survive for several days in the cavity of the fallopian tube prior to ovulation.

Approaching ovulation makes the vaginal environment more alkaline, and the persistence of the Y-sperm is much higher than their counterparts.

For this reason, it is believed that when they had sex after ovulation, the birth of a boy is more likely, because the faster Y sperm are likely to be near the released egg.

Contact for a couple of days before ovulation is much more likely the birth of a girl, because the Y sperm die and the X-sperm to fertilize the egg.

What are the methods of determination exist?

Among the methods of determining the sex of the unborn child can distinguish a few of the most well-known and very popular:

  • A sort of folk proven method is to conduct such operations. Takes milk with a small shelf life, mixed with fresh urine future mother in a 1:1 ratio. Next, the resulting mixture is brought to boiling. What can happen as a result? If there has been a collapse milk – wait for the girl, if milk is not curled – be a boy.

  • To determine the sex of the future child through blood. You should know that a full update of blood in women occurs after 3 years, the men – in 4 years. Does the age of both parents at the moment of conception, we divide the age of the mother at 3, and the age of the future father – in 4. Compare the obtained residue, and the one from whom more has all the chances to get the baby of the same sex.

  • It should be noted that, if the mother has RH negative, the result will be the opposite.

  • Ultrasound is the most accurate method of determining the sex of the unborn baby. However, this method may be wrong – it can happen when making a doctor of the little fingers over the penis or in compression kid his legs.

Are there certain signs by which you can determine the sex of the unborn child? Let us examine them more closely. However, it should not be forgotten that it is not accurate indicators of a baby of a certain sex, but only signs based on folk wisdom, which we can assume the future birth of a baby girl or baby boy. And personal business each parent pair, to believe these signs or not. But often these signs are true!

A child’s sex on public signs.

The main national appearances on sex determination of the unborn child include the following points:

  • The shape of the abdomen is a common and often rewarding sign. When neat, conical shape of the abdomen, which even from the back and not visible and has almost no effect on the rest of the figure of the mother can be said to be a boy.

  • If the tummy is visible even from the back, it is situated in the area of the former waist, then wait for the girl.

  • The number of heartbeats can also predict what sex baby You will have. It is believed that when the number of heart rate less than 140, you should prepare for the birth of a boy, if reductions of more than 140 – girl.

  • The classical signs of the birth of a boy is constant craving to eat something salty or sour.

  • If drawn to sweet – it to the girl.

  • Nausea in the morning can inform You about what is expected of the little Princess.

  • If nausea in the morning is missing, you will most likely be a boy.

  • They say that in the event of external beauty will appear the girl so she takes his mother’s part of the appeal.

  • As the boy looks are not as important as the girl, while maintaining the beauty during pregnancy can be expected of a boy.

  • If the left hand tie a long thread ring, pregnancy boy it will swing from one side to the other.

  • When the movement of the ring in a circle you can prepare for the birth of a girl.

Listed in this article methods should not prevent You enjoy the pregnancy, because pregnancy is a miracle given to us by nature. And let the sex of the baby is not the most important in this period, because the main what you can wish all parents for your baby, is good health and happiness, regardless of gender. And preferably, determining the sex of the unborn baby was not an end in itself, but a method enjoy leisure activities.

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